Publications: Success Stories
Extension - 2022

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NYSG Posts Impact Statements for Research, Extension Projects in NY's Great Lakes, Hudson and Marine Waters

A sampling of results and impacts from recently completed New York Sea Grant's research, extension and education initiatives.

New York, NY, August 8, 2022 - This fall, we close the chapter on 50 years of New York Sea Grant (NYSG) working with coastal residents, communities, businesses and teachers, among others, along New York's marine, Great Lakes and Hudson River coasts … and we embark on a new one.

In the late Summer 2022 issue of New York Coastlines, we share our annual review of impactful NYSG programming and research. Included are three dozen summaries of select work conducted by our program's extension specialists and funded researchers to develop and provide stakeholder-driven, science-based information, tools, and other resources to support local communities, businesses, and individuals achieve objectives related to coastal community, environmental, and economic resilience and sustainability.

The new profiles posted below provide a summary of how NYSG's extension specialists and funded researchers addressed a variety of marine, Hudson and Great Lakes concerns and opportunities in 2021, including the partners involved and any additional funding sources.

Also, check out our visually-driven story map version of this past year’s successes …

For project profiles filed in previous years, complete with partners and funding sources, visit

And for NYSG resource sites related to these and other topics below, see

We also offer a "What is New York Sea Grant" one-pager, which was updated in April.

On the national front ...

Check out the by-the-numbers one-pager "Sea Grant: A Smart Investment in Our Economy" or search impacts of Sea Grant's work, browse current projects, and explore any of the Sea Grant Colleges at

Also updated in the last year were a number of other National Sea Grant “By The Numbers” one-pagers and resources, including …

- Sea Grant Research: A look at efforts from 2016-2020 (pdf, Spring 2021)
- Sea Grant Educational at Home Resources
- Sea Grant Legal Network (pdf, April 2021)
- National Aquaculture Portfolio, 2018-22 (pdf, Spring 2022)

NYSG Research

Featured in "NYSG Reports Results & Impacts from Studies Statewide" are summaries of a sampling of recently completed projects addressing topics such as marine and freshwater fisheries; the impacts of harmful algal blooms, plastic pollution; and improving public understanding of rip currents

Also in the spotlight, as seen in "NYSG Examines Ongoing Studies Statewide", are summaries of current research on marine fisheries; coastal resiliency efforts; microplastics in Great Lakes sediments; and the use of sugar kelp to minimize the impacts of harmful algal blooms in Long Island waters.

NYSG Extension

Advancing A Hard Clam Selective Breeding Program (PDF)
Establishing a selective breeding program for hard clams will help to maximize the economic potential of the shellfish industry. Read on >>

Assessing Climate-Driven Migration in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic U.S. (PDF)

A Sea Grant-led effort is identifying the research needed to address climate-induced human migration in the Northeast, Great Lakes, and Mid-Atlantic regions of the U.S. Read on >>

Beach and Boating Weather Hazards Bilingual Rack Cards: Creating Awareness, Increasing Safety (PDF)
New York Sea Grant developed bilingual resources to alert the beach-going and boating public to weather hazards that impact water-based recreation. Read on >>

Boating Education: From Broadcast to Broadband — Pivoting Messaging (PDF)
New York Sea Grant partners with NY’s boating industry to deliver award-winning boating education messaging in diverse, user-friendly formats. Read on >>

Citizen Scientists in New York City Apply Technology to Track Coastal Flooding (PDF)
Flood sensors are providing accurate and precise information about coastal flooding to support resilience building across all five boroughs of New York City. Read on >>

Cornell Climate Stewards Program: Building Capacity for Local Action by New York Communities (PDF)
New York Sea Grant expertise is helping to increase the climate action capacity of communities across New York State through a new Climate Stewards training program. Read on >>

Environmental Justice Mapping Tools: 2021 Webinar Series (PDF)
New York Sea Grant is raising awareness of publicly-available mapping tools that help visualize environmental disparities and can aid in  more equitable community planning efforts. Read on >>

Lake Ontario Water Levels: NYSG Connects Local Stakeholders and Regulators to Strengthen Decision Making (PDF)
New York Sea Grant is helping decision-makers respond to climate change impacts that are creating water level extremes in Lake Ontario, threatening the sustainability of waterfront communities. Read on >>

Law and Policy Fellows: New York Coastal Resilience Class of 2021 (PDF)
New York Sea Grant’s New York Coastal Resilience Law and Policy Fellowship students develop information resources to support community resilience building while enhancing the students’ educational experience. Read on >>

Long Island Sound: Building a Sustainable & Resilient Long Island Sound Watershed (PDF)
New York Sea Grant has added new extension specialists to the collaborative regional framework that is strengthening the environmental, social, and economic well-being of Long Island Sound communities. Read on >>

Meet Your Oyster Farmer: NYSG Hosts Summer Science Series 2021 (PDF)
New York Sea Grant programming is actively engaging communities in support of New York’s aquaculture industry and its oyster farming small businesses. Read on >>

New York’s Dynamic Shorelines: Long Island and Hudson — Telling the Stories of NY’s Dynamic Shorelines and Floodplains (PDF)
New York Sea Grant and FEMA developed ArcGIS story map collections as tools to provide techniques to increase flood and erosion resilience in NY’s Hudson and Long Island regions. Read on >>

New York’s Great Lakes Basin Small Grants: A Projects Dashboard for the Program (PDF)
New York Sea Grant’s new interactive, online dashboard provides information on Great Lakes Basin Small Grant projects’ accomplishments and inspires future applications. Read on >>

New York’s Great Lakes Basin Small Grants: 2021 Grants Underwrite Outreach to Engage Youth Audiences (PDF)
New York Sea Grant administers a small grants program in partnership with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to advance New York’s Great Lakes Basin Action Agenda priorities. Read on >>

New York Seafood Summit: NYSG Hosts 5th Annual Event Facilitating Cross-Sector Networking & Collaboration (PDF)
New York Sea Grant fosters active communication and synergistic collaboration to enhance the resilience and growth of the State’s seafood industry. Read on >>

New York Seaweed Marketing and Processing: NYSG Coordinates Task Force (PDF)
New York Sea Grant is responding to increasing interest in nutritious blue foods and the emergence of a seaweed industry in New York. Read on >>

Renewable Energy, Climate Impact & Blue Economy: New Coastal Climate Specialist (PDF)
New York Sea Grant’s new Coastal Climate Specialist will engage stakeholders with extension programming focused on renewable energy, local climate change impacts, and NY’s blue economy. Read on >>

Science Priority Planning for Lake Ontario: 2023 Cooperative Science & Monitoring Initiative (PDF)
New York Sea Grant facilitates the prioritized planning of CSMI research on the Great Lakes to add to the critical understanding of the world’s most complex freshwater system. Read on >>

Surf Hazards Awareness and Research: Development of the Coordination (PDF)
New York Sea Grant and MARACOOS have developed a network of professionals who collaborate to improve the forecasting, understanding, and prevention of surf-related hazards. Read on >>

Working with Nature: A NYSG Guide to Native Plants for NY’s Great Lakes Shorelines (PDF) 
New York Sea Grant responded to the strong need for educational materials on native plants in New York State with a new guide to more than 40 species and their ideal coastal locations.  Read on >>

NYSG Education

Advancing Lake Sturgeon Conservation: New Curriculum, Workshops and Virtual Field Trip (PDF) 
New York Sea Grant is advancing education about a Threatened fish species with a new curriculum, supplemental teaching resources, workshops, and a virtual field trip opportunity.  Read on >>

Engaging New York State Educators for Interactive Online Curriculum Review (PDF) 

New York Sea Grant engaged educators and teachers from New York’s Great Lakes and Long Island regions in an interactive review of a new marine debris and plastic pollution curriculum.  Read on >>

Long Island Sound: Outreach Coordinator for NYC and Westchester County (PDF) 
New York City and Westchester County communities are now assisted by New York Sea Grant’s new Long Island Sound Study Outreach Coordinator.  Read on >>

Long Island Sound: Sea Grant Interns Bring Long Island Sound Habitats to Virtual Classroom (PDF) 
A New York Sea Grant-developed educational tool virtually connects teachers and students from classrooms to New York’s coastal habitats.  Read on >>

Long Island Sound: Showcasing Local Stewardship Opportunities (PDF) 
The Community Science Long Island 2021 webinar series developed by New York Sea Grant and Seatuck, with local scientists and researchers, highlighted the value of getting involved in local resource monitoring.  Read on >>

More Info: New York Sea Grant

New York Sea Grant (NYSG), a cooperative program of Cornell University and the State University of New York (SUNY), is one of 34 university-based programs under the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Sea Grant College Program.

Since 1971, NYSG has represented a statewide network of integrated research, education and extension services promoting coastal community economic vitality, environmental sustainability and citizen awareness and understanding about the State’s marine and Great Lakes resources.

Through NYSG’s efforts, the combined talents of university scientists and extension specialists help develop and transfer science-based information to many coastal user groups—businesses and industries, federal, state and local government decision-makers and agency managers, educators, the media and the interested public.

The program maintains Great Lakes offices at Cornell University, SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Oswego and the Wayne County Cooperative Extension office in Newark. In the State's marine waters, NYSG has offices at Stony Brook University in Long Island, Brooklyn College and Cornell Cooperative Extension in NYC and Kingston in the Hudson Valley.

For updates on Sea Grant activities: has RSS, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube links. NYSG offers a free e-list sign up via for its flagship publication, NY Coastlines/Currents, which is published quarterly.

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