In an effort to immerse New York Sea Grant's Web site visitors, social media followers and NY Coastlines e-newsletter subscribers into our program's coastal research, extension and education efforts, the links below will bring you to stories that now include a one to two minute video summary that you can quickly stream and view in one click.
Each video clip has been filed in a specific month, which is how these stories are organized ...
March 2024 back to top
Upstate NY Communities Share Resilience Success Stories in NYSG Video Case Studies More>>
This video series explores Great Lakes topics including resilience, green infrastructure, and the freshwater system's watershed.
2023 Community-Engaged Fellowship: Olivia Bonilla — My Perspective, My Field, My Future More>>
Olivia Bonilla, a Summer 2023 Sea Grant Community Engaged Fellow with New York Sea Grant, assisted the research of Sarah Weisberg, Ph.D. candidate at the Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences in the laboratory of Janet Nye, Ph.D. After her fellowship completed, Bonilla finalized a video that highlights some of her collegiate experiences.
May 2023 back to top
Hard Clam Selective Breeding Project: An Introduction More>>
The Sea Grant Hard Clam Selective Breeding Collaborative aims to improve the aquaculture industry on the Atlantic coast, by finding and establishing more resilient lines of clams.
July 2020 back to top
NYSG Provides Fast Draw Video on High Tide Flooding More >>
High tide flooding typically occurs a few times a year during the new and/or full moons, when the moon, Earth, and sun are aligned, causing a stronger gravitational force, resulting in higher than usual tide levels.
September 2019 back to top
How Sea Grant Benefits You in 2019 More >>
For nearly 50 years, New York Sea Grant has worked with coastal residents, communities, businesses, teachers and residents on problems and opportunities specific activities within the land and water interface.
NYSG Research Zooms In On Water Quality, Severe Storms, Seafood Safety More >>
Results and resources from these 2018-19 NYSG investigations provide useful information to the public, businesses, coastal communities and managers.
Over $1.5 Million Funds Four Long Island Sound Research Projects More >>
Projects, which were a focus of a March'19 conference, address Sound ecological health topics, like hypoxia, biological parameters for water quality management and the scope and impact of landscaping practices.
Addressing Coastal Balloon Debris More >>
Through both removal and outreach efforts, NYSG is addressing the issue of harmful marine debris, specifically balloon pollution, which is often the result of intentional releases by people who do not connect their actions of littering to the debris problem.
Advancing Local Hazard Resiliency More >>
NYSG-facilitated educational programming is advancing local government's ability to address hazard resiliency.
Assessing the Function of Nature-Based Shorelines More >>
NYSG and partners are developing a framework to monitor and assess the function of natural and nature-based shorelines structures.
Celebrating Estuary Day More >>
A first-collaborative Estuary Day event in NY's marine waters by the Long Island Sound Study, Peconic Estuary Program, and South Shore Estuary Reserve helped bring awareness of estuarine benefits to local community members.
Climate Steward Volunteers Promote Climate Literacy More >>
Assisting local communities vulnerable to climate change impacts is key, which is why NYSG supports efforts that will help generate curriculum for a program to engage and train "Climate Steward" volunteers.
Educating the Next Great Lakes Generations More >>
Increasing coastal and ocean literacy is a prime focus of NYSG science and research-based education being extended to adults, teachers and youth.
Equipping Great Lakes Homeowners with Sustainable Shoreline Practices More >>
Educational outreach offered by NYSG is equipping Great Lakes property owners with critical information on sustainable shoreline protection practices.
A Fish-to-Dish Internship in Fisheries and Aquaculture More >>
A summer 2018 internship and education program led by NYSG is beginning to develop the skilled workforce needed to continue the growth and success of New York's resilient aquaculture and seafood businesses.
Great Lakes Basin Small Grants More >>
Nearly $200,000 was awarded to projects in 2018 to help restore and revitalize the state's Great Lakes region.
Great Lakes Basin Small Grants: Revitalizing New York's Great Lakes Region More >>
Since 2015, NYSG has partnered with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation to create this stakeholder-driven program.
Harmful Algal Bloom Strategic Planning More >>
NYSG is assisting Suffolk County's strategic planning related to HABs, tiny aquatic plants that produce toxins or grow excessively, harming humans, other animals and the environment.
Identifying Research Priorities for Cisco in Lake Ontario More >>
Critical Cisco research and monitoring is being facilitated by NYSG to ultimately add diversity to fisheries-based economies. This species once supported important commercial fisheries in NYS and represented a primary prey fish in Lake Ontario.
Increasing Community Awareness and Storm Preparedness More >>
Since we never know when the next "big one" will hit, NYSG is partnering with experts to remind Long Islanders that they must always be prepared for hurricanes and coastal storms.
A Marine Camp for Nassau County Kids More >>
A NYSG partnership on Long Island is rebuilding a camp program to educate Nassau County youths about marine resources and ecology.
Reducing Barotrauma Damaging the Lake Erie Yellow Perch Fishery More >>
Barotrauma—tissue damage that fish can suffer when they're retrieved from deep water by anglers—is negatively impacting Lake Erie's valuable Yellow Perch fishery ... and NYSG is helping to reduce the issue's severity.
Resiliency Planning in North Sandy Pond More >>
Shoreline communities such as Oswego County's North Sandy Pond are empowered to address erosion management thanks to NYSG's outreach efforts.
Shipboard Science Workshops for Teachers More >>
Pairing teachers with scientists aboard the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's R/V Lake Guardian has helped NYSG to create dynamic Great Lakes educational opportunities that prompt environmental stewardship
Seafood Awareness Month at Taste NY Marketplace More >>
A Sea Grant-led public education program at Long Island Welcome Center's "Taste New York Market Place" builds support for increasing consumer seafood awareness and demand.
Seafood Safety Training from NYSG More >>
Seafood safety training, offered in English and Spanish via NYSG, helps ensure the health and safety of seafood consumers in NYS, nationwide, globally.
Also in this series ...
Flood Resilience & Recovery More >>
(Also: Another story on "The Sodus Point Community Resilience Model" ... More >>)
Post-flood recovery planning from NYSG provides communities like Sodus Point, NY the opportunity to improve resilience to future flooding.
Long Island Sound Stewards: Engaging Students as Citizen Scientists More >>
(Also: "Preparing Teachers to Be in the K.N.O.W. (Keeping Nitrogen Out of our Waterways)" More >>)
The Long Island Sound Stewards program, which NYSG oversees, engages K-12 and college students in citizen science research projects.
Sharing Climate Resilience with NYC Teachers More >>
(Also: Other "Climate to Go in NYC" stories ... More >> and More >>)
Expertise from NYSG specialists is helping New York City teachers, schools and communities proactively address climate change and resiliency.
June 2019 back to top
Watercraft Inspection - Dispelling Common Myths More >>
"Invasive Species Spread Naturally and Increase Biodiversity" is one of several common watercraft inspection myths dispelled. Another one, "There's Nothing I Can Do to Prevent the Spread of AIS" includes ways you can help.
Watercraft Inspection - Tips for Initiating & Exiting Boater Interviews More >>
The reason why watercraft inspection—the act of looking for, removing and properly disposing of unwanted aquatic hitchhiking debris—is important is because it helps to prevent the spread of unwanted aquatic invasive species.
May 2019 back to top
The State of Sea Grant More >>
In the last two years, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'s National Sea Grant College Programs across the country have created or sustained over 7,100 jobs and 1,300 businesses, provided 1,099 training events to coastal communities, and reached some 781,164 K-12 students.
Improving Resilience
The Post-Superstorm Sandy Upside in Great South Bay More >>
NYSG-funded research Charlie Flagg discovered an unexpected side effect of October 2012's Sandy: a breach opened in Long Island's Fire Island region after the superstorm increased circulation and flushing, which has led to better water quality, and reduced incidence of harmful algal blooms.
Sharing Hurricane Information with Long Islanders More >>
Speaking to an audience seated below the historic flood level, NYSG's Kathleen Fallon shared information about forecasting, communications, and preparedness at the Hurricane Forum at the end of September 2018.
Students Collaborate with Resilience Professionals at First RiSC Summit More >>
The multi-year project builds on local resilience plans such as OneNYC and fosters new partnerships among K-12 schools, informal education institutions, government and non-profit organizations working on resilience planning and implementation.
The 1938 Long Island Express Hurricane More >> and More >>
On October 3, 2018, Hofstra commemorated the 80th anniversary with a symposium, "Long Island Hurricanes on the 80th Anniversary of the 1938 Storm: Past, Present, and Future," at which Sea Grant tabled and provided its funded research on past hurricanes, and shared resources for hurricane preparedness.
The Sodus Point Community Resilience Model More >>
The record-high water event in 2017 hit the Village of Sodus Point, 40 miles east of Rochester, NY, hard. But with help from Sea Grant and others, the Village has taken steps toward improving resiliency.
Coastal Storm Warnings and Your Tipping Point More >>
How do you evacuate from a hurricane? Investigators of a study funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Sea Grant’s Coastal Storm Awareness Program examine why residents in danger do not always evacuate before storms.
Sharing Climate Resilience with NYC Teachers More >> and More >>
At the three-day “Climate To-Go” workshop 20 teachers from K-12 public schools across New York City were introduced to climate change issues, extreme weather preparedness, and teaching methods for sharing climate science with their students.
Lessons Learned from the 2018 Hurricane Season More >>
According to NOAA, the season will be remembered most for hurricanes Florence and Michael, which caused significant damage in the southeastern U.S. In total, the season produced 15 named storms, including eight hurricanes of which two were “major” (Category 3, 4 or 5).
Helping NYC Communities Address Climate Change More >>
“Living in coastal cities presents unique hazards from water—from storm surge to extreme storms to storm water, ” said Kathy Bunting-Howarth, Interim Director of New York Sea Grant.
Other Education Efforts
Sea Grant Extends A-Z GLEEE Education on Lake Ontario More >>
NYSG coastal education programming prepares hundreds of teachers to educate and engage thousands of students as the next generation of Great Lakes-literate citizens.
New York's 2019 Sea Grant Knauss Fellows More >>
Both of NYSG's 2019 Fellows—Sam Chew Chin and Chellby Kilheffer—were of the 46 nationwide named as Knauss Executive Fellows, having received their work assignments during a week-long placement week in mid-October.
Increasing Confidence in U.S. Farm-Raised Seafood More >> and More >>
Sea Grant's New York program will lead the development of a flash card series to provide foodservice providers with information about the origins and sustainability of targeted species.
Preparing Teachers to Be in the K.N.O.W. (Keeping Nitrogen Out of our Waterways) More >>
The Long Island Sound Mentor Teacher program, now in its eighth year, provides teachers the opportunity to educate their peers and share successful classroom teaching strategies on issues that affect the health of Long Island Sound.
Other Research Findings
What do Lake Ontario's "Resident Anglers" Want? More >>
This NYSG-funded study helps to shed light on better understanding the relationships between motivations, constraints, facilitators, demographic and experiential characteristics, and fishing participation for resident anglers who don't have a preference for catching a specific fish species.
Boosting Long Island's Blue Economy More >> and More >>
A new economic calculator estimates potential gains and losses from investment in Long Island's coastal communities. The tool was created through a NYSG-funded project by Farmingdale State College's Richard Vogel.
Stopping the Disease Wracking the New York Hard Clam Fishery More >>
In the last 16 years, a mysterious disease has devastated the New York hard clam fishery. Scientists call it QPX disease, which stands for “quahog parasite unknown,” referring to the organism that causes the disease.
March 2019 back to top
NYSG Receives Disney Conservation Fund Support for Lake Sturgeon Restoration Efforts More >>
The fund has been supporting local efforts around the world aimed at saving wildlife, inspiring action and protecting the planet with more than $75 million distributed to nonprofit organizations since 1995.
December 2018 back to top
Why CSMI: A U.S. / Canadian Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative for Lake Ontario More >>
This three part video series highlights The Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative, or CSMI, which rotates from lake to lake on a 5-year cycle and aims to promote, organize, and unify different research and monitoring efforts by local, state, provincial, federal, First Nations, academic, and non-governmental groups.
What Lies Beneath: The Base of Lake Ontario's Food Web More >>
What's Near The Top: Balancing Lake Ontario Fisheries’ Predator-Prey Connections More >>
November 2017 back to top
NY Sea Grant King Salmon Video Highlights Value, High-Tech Fish Tracking More >>
Cornell University researchers and Sea Grant personnel are using pop-off satellite archival tags developed to work in freshwater to collect unprecedented data about salmon movement and behavior.
May 2016 back to top
Coastal Storm Awareness Program: Full Documentary Short More >>
This NOAA Sea Grant documentary short on coastal storm awareness educates emergency managers and empowers coastal communities.
Coastal Storm Awareness Program: Trailer for Documentary Short More >>
This NOAA Sea Grant documentary trailer on coastal storm awareness educates emergency managers and empowers coastal communities.
February 2014 back to top
NYSG's Watercraft Inspection How-To Video More >>
This visual assessment of boat and trailer checkpoints, referred to as watercraft inspection, highlights a number of "Clean-Drain-Dry" reminders to help stop the spread of aquatic invasive species. These include draining water from boats, buckets and other equipment; boat washing, and drying recommendations; special checkpoints for different types of boats, including canoes, kayaks, and personal watercrafts.
More Info: New York Sea Grant
New York Sea Grant (NYSG), a cooperative program of Cornell University
and the State University of New York (SUNY), is one of 33 university-based
programs under the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s
National Sea Grant College Program.
Since 1971, NYSG has represented a statewide network of integrated
research, education and extension services promoting coastal community
economic vitality, environmental sustainability and citizen awareness
and understanding about the State’s marine and Great Lakes resources.
Through NYSG’s efforts, the combined talents of university scientists
and extension specialists help develop and transfer science-based
information to many coastal user groups—businesses and industries,
federal, state and local government decision-makers and agency managers,
educators, the media and the interested public.
The program maintains Great Lakes offices at Cornell University, SUNY
Buffalo, SUNY Oswego and the Wayne County Cooperative Extension office
in Newark. In the State's marine waters, NYSG has offices at Stony Brook
University in Long Island, Brooklyn College and Cornell Cooperative
Extension in NYC and Kingston in the Hudson Valley.
For updates on Sea Grant activities: www.nyseagrant.org has RSS, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube links. NYSG offers a free e-list sign up via www.nyseagrant.org/nycoastlines for its flagship publication, NY Coastlines/Currents, which is published quarterly. Our program also produces an occasional e-newsletter,"NOAA Sea Grant's Social Media Review," via its blog, www.nyseagrant.org/blog.