New York Ocean

About New York Ocean

One of New York State’s many charms is its beautiful and bountiful coastline and ocean ecosystem. The ocean environment around New York City and Long Island, up to three miles from shore, makes up the state’s ocean waters. This ecosystem has connections out to the edge of the continental shelf and is also highly interconnected with nearshore waters, with a close ecological relationship with several estuaries that are formed by the freshwater rivers and streams that drain into the ocean environment.
This site is dedicated to keeping you informed about New York's ocean environment. Keep an eye on these pages and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to learn more about the issues our ocean faces every day, how we work to address those issues and keep our ocean healthy, and all the ways we are linked to the marine world.

New York Ocean Action Plan

New York Ocean works to bring information and updates from the New York Ocean Action Plan to all New York ocean stakeholders.

The New York Ocean Action Plan (OAP) is a guide for New York State to improve the health of its ocean ecosystems and their capacity to provide sustainable benefits to New Yorkers. Through the ten-year, sixty-one point action plan, the OAP works to achieve better-managed and healthier ocean ecosystems that will benefit people, communities, and the natural world.

Learn more about the Ocean Action Plan on the New York State Department of Environmental Conversation’s website.

Humpback Whale. Credit: Public Domain.

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This website is supported through a partnership between New York Sea Grant and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

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