Publications: Success Stories
Extension - 2024

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NYSG Posts Impact Statements for Research, Extension Projects in NY's Great Lakes, Hudson and Marine Waters

A sampling of results and impacts from recently completed New York Sea Grant's research, extension and education initiatives.

New York, NY, March 25, 2024 - In the late Summer / early Fall 2024 issue of New York Coastlines, we share our annual review of impactful NYSG programming and research. Included are 30 summaries of select work conducted by our program's extension specialists and funded researchers to develop and provide stakeholder-driven, science-based information, tools, and other resources to support local communities, businesses, and individuals achieve objectives related to coastal community, environmental, and economic resilience and sustainability.

The new profiles posted below provide a summary of how NYSG's extension specialists and funded researchers addressed a variety of marine, Hudson and Great Lakes concerns and opportunities in 2023, including the partners involved and any additional funding sources.

Also, check out our visually-driven story map version of this past year’s successes …

For project profiles filed in previous years, complete with partners and funding sources, visit

And for NYSG resource sites related to these and other topics below, see

We also offer a "What is New York Sea Grant" one-pager, which was updated in May.

On the national front ...

Check out the by-the-numbers one-pager "Sea Grant: A Smart Investment in Our Coastal Economy" or search impacts of Sea Grant's work, browse current projects, and explore any of the Sea Grant Colleges at

NYSG Research

New York Sea Grant (NYSG) has awarded approximately $2.15 million to support 10 research projects, the results of which will directly address multiple high priority community, economic, and environmental objectives.

NYSG Extension

Coastal Ecosystems, Fisheries

Bridging Research to Action to Reduce Plastic Pollution (PDF)
NYSG strives to preserve and restore the health of coastal and aquatic ecosystems through innovative research and collaboration for the benefit of present and future generations. Read on >>

Introducing Tools to Enhance Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring Capabilities (PDF)
AI technology is used to obtain faster testing results when assessing harmful algal bloom events. Read on >>

Supporting Diversity in Fisheries and Angling Communities (PDF)
NYSG programming connects anglers with fisheries researchers and science-based angling instructors, increasing their knowledge base to more confidently enjoy NY’s fisheries and to consider fisheries career opportunities. Read on >>

Coastal Communities, Climate Resilience

Empowering Great Lakes Communities: Climate-Resilient Local Government Training Initiatives (PDF)
Local government training focused on climate resilience, land use planning, and floodplain management is crucial as it empowers communities to mitigate environmental risks, fostering long-term sustainability and resilience, especially in light of the escalating impacts of climate change. Read on >>

New York Great Lakes Basin Small Grants Program 2023 Projects (PDF)
Small grants produce significant results for Great Lakes region communities. Read on >>

MyCoast NY: Engaging Communities to Document Floods and Storm Damage (PDF)
New York Sea Grant is coordinating a statewide community science program for the public to document and share their experiences with floods, storm damage, and coastal change through photos. Read on >>

NYSG and LISS Partners Conduct Environmental Justice Needs Assessment for Communities in the Long Island Sound Region (PDF)
This environmental justice needs assessment will help shape future environmental programming and resources to be more useful, relevant, and accessible to underserved populations. Read on >>

Resilience Training Series Empowers Coastal Long Island Sound Communities (PDF)
Long Island Sound Study Sustainable and Resilient Communities Extension Professionals developed a multi-part series of virtual and in-person events to empower participants to increase the resilience of their communities to climate change and other environmental threats. Read on >>

Breaking Down Barriers to a Resilient Long Island Sound (PDF)
The Long Island Sound Resilience Grant Writing Assistance Program is an innovative and responsive approach to increasing sustainable and resilient-focused project implementation across the Long Island Sound coastal watershed. Read on >>

Coastal Processes, Recreation

Beach and Boating Weather Hazards Bilingual Outreach (PDF)
New York Sea Grant provides outreach materials in English and Spanish to educate beachgoers and boaters about weather hazards and how to stay safe while they recreate. Read on >>

Sharing Knowledge about Natural and Nature-Based Features (NNBF) in New York (PDF)
Identifying NNBF knowledge gaps and sharing related research and data informs stakeholders about resilient shoreline practices. Read on >>

Coastal Erosion Forums Enhance Knowledge and Coordination Across Long Island Sound Communities (PDF)
The Long Island Sound Coastal Erosion Forums held in Suffolk and Nassau Counties brought together more than 90 state and local decision-makers, planners, engineers, and environmental professionals to learn and discuss how to address erosion and increase community resilience. Read on >>

Impacts from NY Shoreline & Virtual Site Visits (PDF)
New York Sea Grant coastal processes and hazards specialists provide shoreline property owners and managers with information for managing erosion and flooding. Read on >>

Sustainable Seafood & Aquaculture

NYSG Coordinates Seafood Incentives Program to Increase Awareness & Demand for Seafood Farmed & Fished in New York (PDF)
Fostering growth and resilience in New York’s seafood industry requires knowledgeable buyers and awareness of locally available products. Read on >>

Great Lakes Aquaculture Decision-Maker Day (PDF)
An opportunity for aquaculture farmers to meet with local legislators and decision-makers to highlight the potential value of the aquaculture industry for New York State and its residents. Read on >>


Visualizing Sea-Level Rise with NYC Students (PDF)
The Resilient Schools Consortium program provides New York City youth with opportunities to better understand and address climate impacts in their neighborhoods. Read on >>

Day in the Life Debuts in Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Region (PDF)
NYSG and partners engaged more than 650 middle school students in hands-on environmental stewardship learning along the shoreline of the Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River region. Read on >>

Lake Ontario Shipboard Science Workshop (PDF)
15 teachers participated in NYSG’s weeklong professional development workshop on Lake Ontario aboard the U.S. EPA R/V Lake Guardian. Read on >>

New York Sea Grant Provides Training Opportunities to Seven Undergraduates (PDF)
NY Sea Grant supports hands-on training and mentorship to undergraduates underrepresented in coastal professions through opportunities that address timely issues. Read on >>

New York Sea Grant Brings Educators to the Shore and Ocean Literacy into Classrooms Through the Long Island Sound Mentor Teacher Program (PDF)
Peer-to-peer, hands-on, place-based and STEM-focused professional development opportunities bring ocean/environmental literacy into classrooms throughout Long Island Sound’s Coastal and Inland Communities. Read on >>

More Info: New York Sea Grant

New York Sea Grant (NYSG), a cooperative program of Cornell University and the State University of New York (SUNY), is one of 34 university-based programs under the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Sea Grant College Program.

Since 1971, NYSG has represented a statewide network of integrated research, education and extension services promoting coastal community economic vitality, environmental sustainability and citizen awareness and understanding about the State’s marine and Great Lakes resources.

Through NYSG’s efforts, the combined talents of university scientists and extension specialists help develop and transfer science-based information to many coastal user groups—businesses and industries, federal, state and local government decision-makers and agency managers, educators, the media and the interested public.

The program maintains Great Lakes offices at Cornell University, SUNY Buffalo, Rochester Institute of Technology, SUNY Oswego, the Wayne County Cooperative Extension office in Newark, and in Watertown. In the State's marine waters, NYSG has offices at Stony Brook University and with Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County on Long Island, in Queens, at Brooklyn College, with Cornell Cooperative Extension in NYC, in Bronx, with Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County in Kingston, and with Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester County in Elmsford.

For updates on Sea Grant activities: has Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, and YouTube links. NYSG offers a free e-list sign up via for its flagship publication, NY Coastlines/Currents, which is published quarterly.

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